
Professional Development Committee


Operating Statement: In support of the College’s mission and Objective 1.6 of the College of the Redwoods Strategic Plan (Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation), the Professional Development Committee provides a comprehensive professional development program to include assessment of needs, planning and evaluation of activities.

Upcoming Items



Name Constituency Group
Wendy Bates Chair
Dan Calderwood Faculty
Darius Kalvaitis Faculty
Wendy Riggs Faculty
Kintay Johnson Manager
Rory Johnson Manager
Alia Dunphy Director of Student Equity & Success
Mark Bernards Classified
Tatiana Robinson Classified
Tina Vaughan Classified
Jose Serrano Ex officio
Joselle Wagner Ex officio

Previous Meetings

27 Oct 2020 KOGNITO Training
8 Oct 2020 Business Office 2020 Fall Training
6 Feb 2020 Ally Training
26 Jun 2018 Microsoft Word & Excel Training
27 Feb 2018 Professional Development Committee Meeting
22 Aug 2017 Tech & Teaching Academy: Guest Speaker, Dr. Barbara Illowski, Chief Academic Affairs Officer, Online Education...
22 Aug 2017 Tech & Teaching Academy: Building a Basic Tech Toolbox
22 Jun 2016 Professional Development -- Latino Student Success and Completion: Evidence Based Strategies that Work
15 Jun 2016 Student Development SLO Assessment Workshops
8 Jun 2016 Student Development SLO Assessment Workshops
26 Apr 2016 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

22 Mar 2016 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

23 Feb 2016 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

26 Jan 2016 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

1 Dec 2015 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

17 Nov 2015 Professional Development Committee

Documents to download

Typical Tasks

The committee meets monthly to coordinate planning, scheduling, needs and process assessment activities and to ensure that proposed activities are linked to the college mission and goals.  The committee is chaired by the Human Resource Director and is comprised of representatives from each of the campus committees/groups involved in professional development activities, including: flex Committee, Faculty Professional Development Committee (Academic Senate), Distance Education, Associate Faculty, Community Education, and classified employee training programs.  The committee also includes consideration of activities through the Veterans Affairs Program, Disabled Students Programs & Services, and the Multicultural and Diversity Committee. 
