
Student Equity Committee


The guiding principles of the Student Equity Plan (SEP) is to ensure the population of historically underrepresented students reflects and surpasses the ethnic and cultural profiles of communities served by the college. The annual actions are aligned with initiatives of institutional planning and college resources.

Upcoming Items


***Note: To find agenda on BoardDocs, click the link in the box below. It will take you to the Board of Trustees BoardDoc webpage. You must click the drop down arrow in the top right hand corner, that says 'Board of Trustees', by the little building symbol. Then choose 'Student Equity Committee'. It will then take you to the BoardDocs webpage for the Student Equity Committee, where you can find the current agenda.


Director of Student Equity & Success Alia Dunphy
EOPS Representative Colin Trujillo
TRiO/Upward Bound Representative Katy Keyser
Veteran Program Representative Matthew Giltdland
Del Norte Representative Kelley Carbone
Director of Human Resources Tina Wahlund
Faculty (1 from Instruction, 1 from non-teaching) Dana Maher, Nicole Bryant-Lescher
Instructional Deans Mike Haley
Student Representatives Max Cartagena. Jayne Antone
KT Representative Vacant
Kintay Johnson
Cheryl Norton
Julio Ayala
Don McArthur
Jessica Howard
Heidi Bareilles  EOPS
Frank Borba  Student Athletics
Kelly Carbone  Dorms
Kristy Carlsen  Faculty
Brian Charity  Student Athletics
Michelle Haggerty  Faculty
Larissa Krause  CalWorks
Kitty Macy  Student
Jenny Quigley  Foster Youth
Katie Sharp  Faculty
Tina Vaughan  Learning Center
Christopher Callahan, Faculty  Del Norte
Joe Hash  Dean of Students
Diqui LaPenta  Faculty
Jenessa Lund  EOPS
Crystal Morse  Veterans' Resource Center
Laura Ziemer  Foster Youth
Dave Bazard  Dean of Math & Science
Cathy Cox  Library
Jolene Gates Director  Klamath/Trinity
Rick Jordan  Adult Education
Matt McCann  Counseling & Advising
Brady Reed  TRIO
Erin Wall  Dean of Arts & Languages
Nanette Barker  DSPS
Karyn Clark  Financial Aid
Sheila Hall  Counseling & Advising
Kintay Johnson  Upward Bound
Rory Johnson Director  Del Norte
Sean Herrera-Thomas  Faculty
Larissa Krause  CalWorks
Shannon Walkley  DSPS

Committee Membership Terms of Service

Committee membership is indicated in Board Policy. Terms of Service are not prescribed.

Working Groups: 

  1. Cultural Awareness
  2. Recruitment
  3. Retention/Completion
  4. Student Services
  5. Faculty & Staff Diversity

Meeting times vary.

Typical Tasks

The College of the Redwoods Student Equity Plan Committee is tasked with producing an Executive Summary Report that list action which demonstrate evidence of progress toward achieving specified goals and implementing activities of the Student Equity Plan. The committee is charged with aligning these initiatives with institutional planning and college resources. Each year, Student Equity Annual Plan is created with action items that are driven by these goals.