
Expanded Cabinet


Expanded Cabinet was established to ensure that all constituent group leaders are aware of and have the opportunity to discuss important issues facing the District.  Expanded Cabinet provides a forum for open, honest dialogue between the administration and constituent group leaders and for all employee groups to introduce new ideas and anticipate future concerns.

Expanded Cabinet oversees the District’s compliance with accreditation standards and eligibility requirements, and oversees the integration of all District planning efforts.

Expanded Cabinet serves as the highest level advisory group to the President and the Executive Cabinet regarding issues facing the District.

Upcoming Items



  • Bernards, Mark
  • Blakemore, Molly
  • Blakemore, Peter
  • Coelho, Marty
  • Dooley, Leigh
  • Dunphy, Alia
  • Engman, Tami
  • Flamer, Keith
  • Gilbride, Julie
  • Haggerty, Michelle
  • Haley, Mike
  • Herrera, Deanna
  • Johnson, Rory
  • Kramer, Erik
  • Mayer, Kerry
  • Moffat, Amy
  • Morse, Crystal
  • Morrison, Julia
  • Solem, Morgan
  • Wall, Erin
  • Ziegler, Katherine

Committee Membership Terms of Service

The membership of Expanded Cabinet is determined by position held in the District.  As employees change positions and constituent groups change officers, membership in the committee will adjust accordingly.  Membership positions are as follows:

  • President/Superintendent, Committee Chair
  • Senior Executive Assistant to the President/Superintendent, Committee Recorder
  • Vice President of Instruction
  • Vice President of Administrative Services
  • Vice President of Student Services
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Executive Dean – Arts & Sciences
  • Dean of Del Norte Campus
  • Executive Dean - Career Education & Workforce Development
  • Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
  • Director of Marketing and Communications
  • Two Members of Managers' Council Executive Committee
  • Two Members of Academic Senate Executive Committee
  • Two Members of CRFO Executive Committee
  • Two Members of CSEA Executive Committee
  • Two Members of ASCR Executive Committee 


Hmmm.... there doesn't seem to be anything here...

Committee History

Expanded Cabinet in its current form was established in 2012.  Executive Cabinet, which has been in existence for many years, is comprised of the top level administrators of the District who discuss numerous confidential topics, including personnel decisions.  A few years ago, Expanded Cabinet was formed to include the academic deans and some of the District directors to discuss other, non-confidential issues affecting the District.  In 2012, Expanded Cabinet was further expanded to include leadership from each of the employee groups, in order for the Executive Cabinet to benefit from the valuable input and advice of constituent group membership.

Typical Tasks

  • Receive regular reports from the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and others regarding student success; review and discuss student success data and District strategies to improve student success.
  • Receive regular reports from the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) and others regarding the alignment of District operations with accreditation standards and eligibility requirements; review and discuss accreditation reports.
  • Receive regular reports from the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) and other planning committees; review and discuss all planning documents.
  • Receive regular reports from the Budget Planning Committee (BPC); review and discuss the District budget.
  • Receive regular reports from the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC); review and discuss FTES projections and strategies.
  • Receive regular reports from the Marketing Task Force; review and discuss marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Engage in strategic discussions regarding all of the above and advise the President/Superintendent on future actions to be taken.