
Assessment Committee


The Mission of the Assessment Committee is to ensure that comprehensive plans are in place for outcome assessment at all levels of CR. The AC supports the collaborative efforts of faculty and staff to enhance student success by providing guidance, assistance, and structure for continual improvement through outcome assessment.


The Assessment Committee provides guidance to committees and individuals about how and why assessment should be conducted, facilitates discussions and decision-making related to assessment work, offers training in all levels of assessment, and helps to ensure that outcomes assessment is embedded in college processes as directed by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), the Western Association for Schools and Colleges (WASC), the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCO), the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) and other accreditation and governance organizations. The committee coordinates collegial dialogue and ensures that the assessment process is ongoing and sustainable at the department, program, and institutional level. The Assessment Committee envisions a college in which regular outcome assessment, and the review and interpretation of relevant data, inform all levels of department, program, division, and institution planning toward the goal of improving student learning and success.

To support its mission, the AC provides guidance to related committees including, but not limited to, the Program Review Committee, the Curriculum Committee, and the Enrollment Management Committee. The Assessment Committee functions in close connection with the Program Review Committee and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee to review disciplinary, programmatic, and institutional assessment plans and to assist in the use and improvement of assessment toward increasing the quality of student learning. Through its annual planning cycle, corresponding with Program Review and the Integrated Planning Model, the Assessment Committee promotes continuous improvement toward student success.



Upcoming Items


Previous Meetings

Assessment Committee Membership

Name Constituency Group Position Term of Service
Jonothan Pace Assessment Coordinator Co-Chair  On-going
Amy Moffat Director of Institutional Effectiveness Co-Chair, Ex. Officio On-going
Cameron Papp Institutional Research IR Representative, Ex. Officio 2023-2025
Sarah Stolt Administrative Services Administrative Representative 2023-2025
vacant Student Development or Instructional Council Adminstriative Representative  
vacant Adult and Community Education Faculty Representative  
Chris Lancaster Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Curriculum Committee Liaison Faculty Representative 2023-2025
Amy Murphy Career Education Faculty Representative 2022-2024
Philip Mancus Del Norte Center Faculty Representative 2022-2024
Cintra Agee Math, Sciences, and Social Sciences Faculty Representative 2023-2025
Sally Urban Safety, Health and Physical Education Faculty Representative 2023-2025
Stephen Quiggle Associate Faculty Facutly Representative 2022-2024
Cameron Papp Administrative Support Classified Representative On-going

Committee Membership Terms of Service

Appointments are for a minimum of two years. 

Appointed by VPI: Assessment Coordinator (1), Student Services or Instructional Council representative (1). 

Appointed by VPAS: Administrative Services representative (1)

Appointed by Academic Senate: One faculty from each Division and Center (6 total). One Faculty is curriculum committee liaison, or an additional faculty is appointed. 

Ex. Officio Membership: Director of Institutional Effectiveness (1), IR representative with database expertise (1) 


Assessment Homepage

Assessment Training and Tutorials

ACCJC Accreditation Standards Review

In Spring 2024 the ACCJC updated their Accreditation Standards that directly impact Assessment at all levels of our Institution.  Please use the link below to investigate these new standards and learn how the will affect assessment at College of the Redwoods.

Committee History

Typical Tasks

  1. Providing opportunities for faculty and staff development in assessment, particularly at convocation.
  2. Assist deans and directors in implementing assessment activities in accordance with established procedures.
  3. Coordinate program and institutional dialogue.
  4. Coordinating with PRC to gather information on assessment status of divisions.
  5. Evaluating and improving the assessment process and procedures across the institution.
  6. Presenting an assessment results and recommendations summary to be incorporated in the Institutional Effectiveness Report and distributed to the college community to inform annual planning.
  7. Conduct annual committee self-assessment.
  8. Members will be annually trained on the institutional data set.