Academic Senate
Departments & Offices
Event date: 4/12/2016 10:00 AM Export event
Review Tech Plan
Steven and Jose will help me fill in the missing information in the next few days.
Begin Tech Resource Request Rankings
Resource requests were not received from the BPC.
Wifi in Education Master Plan
Wifi access points are being added in the AT building (6 right now).
The dorms are changing from Suddenlink, which treats dorms as apartment building. Each dorm student has an average of 2.5 devices. May be moving to Cenic with 10 additional access points in the summer. Each dorm room will also have a phone and panic button.
SQL migration update
Timeline is set to be done at the Christmas Break. If we miss this Christmas we would to need to wait until the next Christmas break to avoid shutting datatel down for a week at suboptimal times.
Server centralization update
Jose expects the new library server to be up by the end of the week. He will then move to RE-ADMIN1. An email should go out to all Eureka staff letting them know what will happen.
E-mail retention policy check-in
Angelina still needs to take policy back to college council.