Published on 12/7/2015.
1) Updates: e-mail forwarding, datatel migration, computer inventory, etc. is a new e-mail domain. Has an email inbox in the cloud. All emeritus faculty will get this email address. Will give them a redwoods account, but will not give them access to licensing that they shouldn’t have.
Datatel migrations: Server and OS is ready. We’re going to try migration ourselves with informal help from Fred.
Simplivity progress will allow employees to have a home directory on the network. Need to determine the size. Most other colleges are below 1 gig. Will give automatically to all full-time employees, and to associate faculty upon request.
2) Make progress on tech plan!
A few changes were made, including the deletion of an Ellucian-specific portal, as we may go with another portal solution.
3) Set spring meeting times
Will add telepresence to an upcoming TPC agenda. Steven and Cathy should touch base first.
Same time next semester.
Suggestions for Tech Plan Items
E.P Goal 4
S.P. Goal 4.1
Aligning technology to support CCC online initiatives (OEI, Assessment/Multiple Measures, Student Planning)
E.P. Goal 1.2
S.P. Goal 1.4
Single sign on for students for student services (e.g., Canvas, Webadvisor, Email)
Centralizing the authentication and location of online student systems.
Shibboleth implementation for Canvas???
Implement Portal (hub to access many products, including Ellucian Mobile?)
S.P. Goal 4.1
Continue to improve infrastructure for and availability of wireless network.
Continue to improve server and network infrastructure. Build a data center architecture to support traffic and space for all CR systems. Build in internal redundancies for all network traffic. All server farms are centralized.
Continue to improve classroom instructional technology (e.g., lecture capture)
Identify lecture capture tool (have storage space)—DE Committee to discuss
Identify hardware for capture (video, mic)
Develop technology replacement plan
Develop system for identifying computers and technology to replace
Determine cost and budget to replace them
Create replacement plan accordingly
Datatel Server Migration
Determine platform (Unix, Linux or Windows)
Determine data type (Unidata or SQL)
Identify consultant to work with IT staff for implementation
Continue to regularly evaluate technology for faculty, staff and students
Add, replace and make spec changes to technology based on feedback.