
Student Success and Support Program (SSSP)


It is the purpose of the College of the Redwoods SSSP Advisory Committee to review and recommend policies, procedures and activities to enhance the district-wide understanding of the philosophy and process of matriculation and to increase student success for all students.

Upcoming Items


Membership 2016-2017

Name Constituency Group Terms of Service

Angelina Hill


Interim Vice President Instruction and Student Development

Sheila Hall               


Director of Counseling and Student Development          

SSSP Coordinator

Dave Arnold

Math Department Faculty

Heidi Bareilles

Interim Assistant Director, EOPS

Dave Bazard

Interim Dean, Mathematics, Science, Behavioral & Social Sciences

Trish Blair

Director, DSPS

Paul Chown Manager, Information Systems and Applications
Rianne Connor
Director, Financial Aid
Ahn Fielding
Executive Director, Community and Economic Development
Marla Gleave
Dean, Career and Technical Education
Jenessa Lund

Interim Director, EOPS and Care Programs

Natalia Margulis

Art Department Faculty

Melissa Ruiz
Director, Student Services (Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site)
Renee Saucedo
Director, Student Equity and Success
Chair, Student Equity Committee
Tiffany Schmitcke
Manager, Admissions and Records
Angela Stewart
Counselor, Transfer Center Director
Erin Wall
Dean, Arts and Humanities
Chair, Basic Skills Committee
Student (vacant) Student Government

Previous Meetings