
Data Owner's Group


DOG is a venue for discussion between diverse work groups which have common and ongoing interest in obtaining, usage, and reporting of data. This includes data exchange within Colleague, MIS reporting, and to outside agencies.

Committee History

The Data Owner’s Group (DOG) was established in July of 2008 as a subgroup of what was originally the Technical Advisory Group as a working group for operational issues (not policy); such as integration of data among different offices (specifically targeted to gather more accurate MIS data), as well as more efficient use of Datatel. 

The original group was comprised of representatives from the Library, DSPS, Counseling/Advising, Special Programs/EOPS, Admissions & Records, Human Resources, Business Office, Technology, Financial Aid, and Title III.

The meetings have routinely been held twice per month and the content has remained fairly stable regarding operational issues related to technology/MIS. The membership has also remained similar to the original group. 

Typical Tasks

DOG regulary discusses data issues related to:

  • setup and modification of enterprise data systems, including Colleague and ancillary systems,
  • data required for MIS reporting, establishing standards and commonality with state and districts,
  • Insitutional Research for summary data and surveys, actions to close the information loop, and
  • use and expansion of technology support services for student, academic, and staff needs

Committee Membership Terms of Service

The group includes members from Administrative Services, Admissions & Records, Distance Education, DSPS, EOPS, Financial Aid, Institutional Research, Learning Resource Center, Student Development, and Technolology Services.  The meetings are open to interested individuals.

  • Eureka Main Campus
  • 7351 Tompkins Hill Rd
  • Eureka, CA 95501
  • 707-476-4100